Take a moment to learn about the history of Holstein UMC.
In 1968, the Evangelical Brethren and the Methodist Church combined thus becoming the United Methodist Church. That same year, Sunday School rooms, a modern kitchen, and Fellowship Hall were added. Some of the funds to finance these projects came from Turkey Dinners which continued for over 60 years. Worship has continued from the early days uninterrupted to the present with the exception of the Influenza Epidemic during World War I. The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 shut the church for a time but outdoor services and those on the internet met the needs of most parishioners.
Throughout the years the local congregation has been deeply involved in the community by opening its doors to various groups which needed a meeting place or somewhere to do projects. Emphasis has also been on missions - local, national, and international. In addition to special offerings taken during church services, other groups provide donations in kind. The youth group has given food baskets, Knit Wits are part of The Prayer Shawl Ministry, Dorcas Circle quilts for individuals as well as charity organizations in Sioux City, et.al., Rebecca Circle has a backpack program for school children who might otherwise go hungry over the weekend, and Mary Circle provides a time for ladies to have meaningful social interaction and prayer. UMC joins with St. Paul Lutheran for Logos, an after- school program on Wednesdays. The church has two choirs - adult and children. At Christmas time we have the hanging of the greens as well as a Festival of Trees which involves the community along with members of the congregation. |
Though our history is rich, our future is bright. We look forward to continuing our mission through the years and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout our city and its surrounding areas!